Free Cucumbers Forever?

Good morning,

Spring showers bring May flowers, but they're also vital for nourishing your thirsty seedlings. Consider a rain barrel system to conserve water.


Say goodbye to store-bought seeds and hello to endless homegrown goodness using an age-old secret to grow cucumbers for free!


The tiny seed shivered in the damp earth. Winter had been long and harsh, the ground frozen solid, the world a monochrome landscape of white and gray. Above, a blizzard raged, its icy breath whispering doubts: "Will you ever grow? Is it even worth trying?"

The seed, however, held fast. Deep within its shell, a spark of life flickered. It remembered whispers of warmth, of sunshine, of vibrant greens. It clung to that memory, a tiny beacon in the darkness.

One day, a change. The wind shifted, the temperature rose. A single ray of sunlight pierced the clouds, warming the earth ever so slightly. The seed felt a shift, a tug towards the surface. With a burst of energy, it pushed against the soil, a determined green sprout reaching for the light.

The blizzard wasn't finished yet. It whipped back, throwing snow against the fragile seedling. But the sprout held strong, its roots anchoring it deep. Inch by inch, day by day, it grew taller, stronger. The sun became more frequent, its warmth a nurturing embrace.

Soon, the sprout unfurled its first true leaves – a vibrant emerald against the fading snow. Other seeds, inspired by its tenacity, followed suit. They pushed through the earth, a collective defiance against the winter's chill.

The once bleak landscape transformed into a tapestry of green. Flowers bloomed, bees buzzed, and a symphony of bird song filled the air. The seed, now a thriving plant, looked around in wonder. It had not only survived the blizzard, but thrived in its wake.


Just like the seed, our gardens may face challenges – harsh weather, unexpected pests, even moments of discouragement. Remember, within each seed lies the potential for growth, even in the face of adversity. With dedication, patience, and a touch of resilience, your garden, like the spring itself, will emerge vibrant and full of life.


From potatoes to carrots, there are all sorts of crops you can (and should) get a jump on in early spring. If you haven’t already, now’s the time to roll up your sleeves and get dirty!


Don't toss those used coffee grounds! They're a great addition to your compost pile, adding nitrogen and attracting beneficial worms. Just be sure to mix them in well with brown compost materials.


As always, thanks so much for taking time out of your busy schedule to read this newsletter. Question or comments - just reply.

Happy planting!
